Collaborator of BSBIOS participate in the Internal Week of Accidents Prevention

Last Monday (12), the IV SIPAT began- Internal Week of Accident Prevention, promoted by CIPA - Internal Committee of Accident Prevention, management 2011/2012, of BSBIOS. A breakfast was offered to the opening, at GR restaurant. Programming was consisted of lectures on handling of residues, security in processes, defensive direction, sports practices, sentences and parodies contests, DST and Aids, honor to brigadistas, labor gymnastic, among others.

To the CEO of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, SIPAT is an excellent occasion to pass the values of the company. "Moments like these ones are important for us to remember that we must provide security," he said. Battistella also congratulated the organizers and collaborators for their effective participation.

The Security Manager, Environment, Health and Quality, Larisse Garibotti, emphasized the learning opportunity the collaborators are receiving. "We must participate in SIPAT, the themes are very important and useful in our daily routine," asserted Larisse.

The Director of Supplies, Gunnar Nebelung, highlighted that security is a value at BSBIOS and that the concern towards security must not exist at work only, but out of it. "We are beginning the period of vacations and we would like to remind you how important it is that at this time you continue alert and take care with security," stated Nebelung. The same idea was shared by the Director of Biodiesel, Julio Lopes, "security is employed at work must continue out of it every moment," he said.

The chairman of CIPA, Matheus Menezes, revealed the winner of the statements contest. "After analyzing more than 30 statements, the statement written by Fernando dos Santos from the Supplies/Balance sector was chosen, to wit: with com tranquility and awareness security is our hands," said Menezes. The winner received a personalized kit of skewers. Activities finish today (16) at BSBIOS.