CEO of BSBIOS is honored by Rádio Uirapuru

The businessman was the focus in industry segment

This morning (06), the CEO of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella received the prize industry segment "1st Destaque Uirapuru Expodireto Cotrijal 2012" in the studio of Rádio Uirapuru, at Expodireto park. He was in the spotlight during an interview to broadcasters JG and Jair Eneri. He seemed to be surprised with the honor. "The success reached never comes as result of just one man, but from a great team, focused and committed and I must lead this work. I am very happy with this honor," thanked Battistella.

The businessman spoke about his and the industry's biography that began his project in 2005. "I would like to give thanks the people that supported our idea, investors, partners, public power, financing institutions and those that helped to build our history," stated the CEO. BSBIOS is a more modern company of soybean processing and biodiesel production in the country.

The first edition of honor "Destaque Uirapuru Expodireto 2012" awards the spotlights in cooperativism, industry, international company, personality and model-producer segments.


BSBIOS is a biodiesel industry which was founded in 2005. It produces approximately 300 million liters of biodiesel/year. It owns two units, one in Passo Fundo (RS) and another one in Marialva (PR). It is the only company associated with Petrobras Biofuel for biofuel production. It employs directly 500 collaborators in its units and generates thousands of indirect jobs. It uses soybean, tallow, canola and cottonseed oil as raw material for renewable energy. The unit of grain processing consumes 900 thousand tons/year of soybean, producing 158.4 thousand tons degummed oil that is used for Biodiesel production and 660 thousand tons of soybean meal, raw material for animal meal.