BSBIOS provides support to APAE

Industry of biodiesel will be a partner in the acquisition of a new bus to the institution

More than education only, it is learning for life which has been taught with love, happiness and respect. These feelings were observed during the visit of the chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, and the financial director, Roberto Becker, to APAE (Association of Parents and Friends of Disable children) of Passo Fundo, on Monday morning (07/16). The objective of this visitation was to know the work accomplished by the institution.

BSBIOS will be partner in the acquisition of a bus which transports the people who are helped by the Association, in replacement of the current one that it is no longer able to ride. "We are glad with this help from BSBIOS, our bus used to let us stuck in inappropriate places and hours, our driver Rubens, who has worked for us for 31 years, used to solve the problem," said the manager of APAE, Tânia Maria Bilibio, and the president of the institution, Silvia de Oliveira Portillo.

"Our board of directors had unanimous decision as for the approval of this donation and I confirm here that we have made the right decision, taking into account the important role the institution has. With this action and others we have developed, BSBIOS is investing in the community of Passo Fundo," spoke businessman Battistella. Moved by what he saw, he said to be noticeable that the Association is an example. "It is noticeable that they are happy, they are spontaneous, we see that they receive love and affection from everybody and they return this to us," emphasized Becker.

Nowadays, approximately 350 disabled people attend APAE, from zero to 65 years old, living in Passo Fundo, Mato Castelhano and Coxilha. At the local, they receive assistance in areas like education, health and social assistance, and, as it is a philanthropic institution. This work is achieved with the help of donations from companies and people from the community.