BSBIOS, Banco do Brasil and Cotrijal renew partnership for canola production

On Friday morning (09), in the stand of Banco do Brasil, at Expodireto 2012, in Não-Me-Toque (RS), the technical cooperation term between BSBIOS, Banco do Brasil and Cotrijal was renewed. The document aims at making financing for canola crop with energetic purpose feasible to farmers, in order to meet the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB).

To the CEO of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the financing institution support is very important. "The support Banco do Brasil offers is a guarantee farmers have for growing in the winter," he said. "Canola is a great option, it is profitable, important for crop rotation and it has guaranteed its acquisition by BSBIOS," he stated.

According to the agro-climatic zoning, canola growth begins from the second fortnight of April in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. "Last year, BSBIOS improved 25 thousand hectares of area in three southern states of the country. We wish that this year we grow even more with quality," said Battistella.