

BSBIOS achieves Great Place to Work certification

The recognition is the result of the evaluation of employees who adhered and expressed their perception of organizational climate research


After an extremely challenging and atypical year, in which the greatest commitment was to caring for people, for the second time BSBIOS celebrates the Great Place to Work (GPTW) certification as an excellent place to work. The result is cognition, based on the opinion of you and your employees, of the good practices adopted by the company in relation to the organizational climate and the work environment. The research showed an evolution in the indexes related to the last one conducted in 2019, with a higher result than other Brazilian companies with a size similar to that of BSBIOS.

GPTW is a global benchmark in the corporate world, seen as a standard of excellence that certifies companies in more than 60 countries, recognizing those that stand out as an excellent place to work. The certification process used an online research and diagnosis tool, applied to employees of the Passo Fundo/RS and Marialva/PR units, which evaluated management practices from five perspectives: respect, credibility, impartiality, camaraderie and pride in belonging to the company.

With a participation of 94% of its employees, it was found that 97% of these perceive BSBIOS as an excellent place to work: 94% answered that they intend to work in the company for a long time and 97% are proud of what they do in the company. The research also revealed that the concept of a sustainable company and concerned about the future of the planet is also inserid in the daily life of its employees, when 99% identify that BSBIOS has sought the growth and sustainability of its business.

For the president of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the certification is the result of the commitment of the entire group of employees, who once again revealed to trust and be proud to work at BSBIOS. "We value it very much for providing adequate working conditions, enabling development opportunities and always establishing a great work environment.   In the last year, in particular, the adversities imposed by the pandemic have led us to take even more care of our employees. We seek to offer them specific health    and safety care, after all they are all essential to the existence and success of our company," says Battistella.

BSBIOS invests a lot in good people management practices, with innovative ideas and a series of actions to become, increasingly, an inclusive, conscious and plural company, providing a safe place to work, with more opportunities and professional development.

"In the last year, we have further promoted diversity and inclusion; we continue to invest in continuous learning, developing workshops and training for our leaders and offering better conditions of access to training for our employees. Recently, we created the program of participation in results, creating an environment of mutual cooperation that values the collective effort and the re knowledge of the merit of each persona", high lights the human capital manager of BSBIOS, Emanuele Milani Groth. For her, the recognition of BSBIOS as an excellent company to work for is the effect of this sequence of actions that are part of the company's new positioning and the definition of goals related to its strategic planning.

Thus, with a focus of action in the areas of agribusiness and renewable energies, BSBIOS aims to foster its business in order to position itself as an organization among the three largest producers of biofuels in the world and carbon neutral by 2030.