Producers participate in the field day on canola harvest

Canola harvest Field Day happened in the last Thursday afternoon (18), on farm Aldebaran, in Carazinho, promoted by BSBIOS in partnership with Nutriagro. Producers, researchers, technicians and agronomists were present at the event.

The aim of the encounter was to spread knowledge with respect to the culture and harvest techniques used in the crop. It was a moment for debates and integration.

The manager of Rural Technology of BSBIOS, agronomist Fábio Junior Benin, emphasizes that this is an important moment for those who have not planted canola yet to clear their doubts and to present the results of the crop, since the harvest is going to its final course.

"Canola is a relatively new crop for some producers, but it has already been used in the south of the country thanks to the work the biodiesel industry has done, guaranteeing market for grains, providing technical assistance and contributing to its development," said Benin.

The representative of Nutriagro and rural producer, Glênio Guimarães, reported that even the crop has been through drought and frosting it will provide good result. "Canola reacted well to difficulties and managed to establish in the crop adequately. Around 25 sacks/ha were obtained in 37 hectares," said Guimarães. He still emphasized that he followed other crops like Otto Gerhardt’s where the average was 28 sacks/ha.

The representative of Syngenta, Eduardo Graeff, highlighted that the company is recording products for canola, thus he believes that the crop is able to be present in the whole country. "We are excited with this vegetable oil crop, because it has showing great benefits to the crops. Since it is a rotation crop, we observed an important factor, it controls weeds," said Graeff.

The same way, Embrapa will also begin great investment in researches next year. The entity will provide ten researchers in nine research areas, which lie from the mid-south to the south of the country, reported the researcher of Embrapa-Trigo, Paulo Ferreira.

Canola is a vegetable oil winter crop, according to the agro-climatic zoning, the planting period in the south region begins in the second fortnight of April and it lasts until the end of June and the harvest happens from the end of September to the end of October. It fits perfectly in the rotation system of crops for grain production. It is an excellent growth option in the south region, because it reduces phytossanitary problems and benefits the productivity of subsequent crops. The grains produced in Brazil have from 24 to 27% of protein and from 34 to 40% of oil.